Sunday, August 19, 2007
Yay....GREAT to meet you Nathan. Anisia's boyfriend Nathan came back to his home turf for a week to catch up with family and friends, and of course Anisia. This was my first meeting of Nathan....we all very much enjoyed your company.......apologies for the deeper initiation into Carcassonne but that appears to be an integral part of the participation in the Lambert clan....if you haven't figured that out already!
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Happy Birthday Neish
Happy Birthday are so special and precious to us........rock on Carcassonne!
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Banrock Station.....
Found it........I knew I had an old picture of Ellie and Jordan at the same spot Ellie just posted a picture....from their weekend Riverland visit. See Ellie's blog and you'll know what I'm talking about. It's at Banrock Station with the wetlands (now apparently drylands!) in the background.
We were there together a while back (as you can tell from the Jordan hair).

Mari & Bing
Am at home "sick" today, yes really SICK, something of a rarity for me to be bed-ridden; have a nasty germ which I can't shake even with antibiotics, so Ellie encouraged me to blog....
This is Mari (from Japan) and Bing (our Chinese student who you've all seen before). Mari is here for just two weeks through an exchange program at the College, and to help Bing with her Japanese.
Mari can actually cook! For those of you who have experienced previous Japanese students' cooking (Ellie and Neish), this was EXCEPTIONAL!
Well done Mari.
We also have a new Thai student "DO" so have a very multicultural dinner table. Do's family knows Ben's family. Ben was our longest serving student and whose family showed us amazing hospitality in Thailand last year.